
CTA Cohort programme

This program is open to all youths in Africa between the age of 18-35. The program will equip the youths with Tech skills, soft skills and entrepreneurship training. It’s scheduled to hold for 6 weeks virtually. It is an instructor led training with practical classes and real life projects. Every trainee would have access to a mentor to guide them.

Applications for CTA Cohort 8.0 is ongoing! Apply now

CTA Soft skills training

CTA Bootcamp programme

The bootcamp program is a 4 weeks intensive and innovative programme that offers you access to build real-life projects, increase your portfolio collaborate with cross functional teams, professional project review, and mentorship from industry experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

The duration depends on the program. We currently have 3 cohort-based programmes.

  • CTA Cohort programmes -Duration of program is 6 weeks
  • CTA Bootcamp – 4 weeks
  • CTA Soft skills training – 2 days

CWW Tech Africa programs are virtual training programs that allow all participants, regardless of location, to actively participate


To join any of our programs, click on “Apply as a trainee”  on any of our programmes at


CWW Tech Africa will contact all applicants through email in due course. All successful applicants will be notified

Yes, we encourage all students to apply.